If you're a partner considering a new opportunity at a law firm, it’s a good time to consider what law firms are looking for in a partner. Law firms are looking for attorneys with a particular set of skills and experience. Before you make a move, consider some of...
News and Information
Peak Performance for Lawyers: 8 Tips for Professional Advancement
Attorneys working in a law firm often work long hours and a grueling schedule. It can be challenging to find new ways to advance your legal career. Yet, pushing yourself toward more challenging projects and a higher level of success will allow you to excel at your...
Peak Performance for Lawyers: 5 Tips for Personal Improvement
Attorneys working in a law firm often work long hours and a grueling schedule. It can be challenging to find a balance. Yet improving your well-being and your work habits will help create the work-life balance that we all yearn for. Putting yourself in an optimal...
Is It Time to Make a Change?
There are many reasons you may consider leaving your current firm to embark on a new phase in your law career. Numerous factors are involved in attaining your professional goals. How do you know if it's time to make a change? Here are some fundamental elements to...
How to Showcase Your Experience
Building your brand is essential to attracting clients and appealing to lawyers and firms who may be interested in working with you. With intense competition in the legal field, you cannot afford to be complacent. We recommend you be proactive in identifying your core...