There are many ways for law firms to win talent. As legal recruiters, we are often asked by our key clients, “what should our firm do to attract the best attorneys?” The first step is to think strategically about your mission and what you’re trying to accomplish. Next, we make sure that you have incorporated that overall strategy as an integral part of your culture. That means everyone in the firm knows your mission – from the receptionist to the managing partner and everyone in between. Then when it’s time to hire, make sure the right people you are looking to add hear that message and are interested in becoming part of the mission. Remember that mission must offer them a better opportunity than their current platform. Here are three ideas to attract the best attorneys.
Solve Each Other’s Needs
When you’re creating your strategic hiring plan, consider your firm’s needs, the candidate’s needs, as well as possible areas of growth and expansion.
- Does your platform solve an issue for your candidate?
- Are there opportunities for growth in new practice areas? Consider market shifts and industry movement.
- Make your clients the priority – how does your firm serve the candidates’ clients? (services, better billing rates, flexibility)
- How does the candidate serve your current clients?
- Consider your firm’s needs – do you need a worker or producer? There’s room for both attributes to coexist in one person, yet you may need one aspect more than the other.
Cross Marketing Opportunities
Consider where cross-marketing opportunities exist. These are areas of potential growth and success for your firm.
- Would a lateral partner complement your firm? If so, you could make a strong case by letting them know that you value their niche and that your firm has everything in place to support them.
- Would a lateral offer new services for your firm?
- Where do synergies exist?
- What is your cross-marketing plan to create a win-win scenario?
Differentiate Your Law Firm
A common problem I see is that law firms forget to emphasize what’s unique and special about them. It’s important to be known for something great and tell that story.
- Define who you are, what areas of law you’re known to be good at & define your ideal candidate.
- Make sure the candidate’s values are in alignment with the firm’s values.
- Lead with the most important question: do they fit your culture? Don’t lead with finances and metrics!
- Build in the right values; communicate your culture, especially to your firm leaders.
- Actions speak louder than words but results speak louder than actions.
- If you don’t have something unique to differentiate yourself, then figure out what you can become great at and make that your goal.
There are many things to consider when trying to win talent for your firm. If you think ahead and ask critical questions you can put together a strategic plan. And having a plan in place will give you the clarity needed to land the talent you want and who will fit with your culture for the long term.
Are you looking for talented legal professionals?
At Quaero Group we have made it our mission to find exceptional legal talent for our clients. Contact us today so we can find the legal experts your organization needs in this highly competitive market.