by Patrick Moya | Sep 12, 2017 | Law Firm Clients
There are many ways for law firms to win talent. As legal recruiters, we are often asked by our key clients, “what should our firm do to attract the best attorneys?” The first step is to think strategically about your mission and what you’re trying to accomplish....
by Patrick Moya | Jul 11, 2017 | Law Firm Clients
Successful law firms find ways to encourage their top talent to grow their business. Firms can put structures and processes in place to make this easier, which is a win-win for everyone. Here are some ways that law firms can help their top attorneys to grow and...
by Patrick Moya | Apr 25, 2017 | Law Firm Clients, News
Every firm needs great rainmakers. They are savvy in business and excellent at client development which keeps everyone busy doing what they do best. Ultimately, the rainmakers are the influencers of profitability for a law firm. Here are a few tips on what to look for...
by Quaero Group | Feb 21, 2017 | Law Firm Clients
Your law firm needs rainmakers and bright legal minds if your firm is going to succeed. The problem is, there is tremendous competition for top legal talent. The best and the brightest attorneys can choose where they want to go, and they will often opt for firms that...